Nihongo dot JP

We are a volunteer group that enjoys sharing the Japanese language with people from other countries, who aim to brush up their language ability through conversations, experiences, festivals and other means. Also, we aim to naturally foster international friendship and mutual understanding between people from overseas and the local citizens through our activities.

Date of Activities Every Sunday, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Contents ①To share the Japanese language while enjoyably talking with volunteers
②To enjoy living life in Japan through participation in events in the local areas
Who is eligible Those who are able to communicate in basic Japanese and want to improve their conversation skills
Fee: Free of charge
Application Just come to TIA at around 1:20 p.m. on Sundays
You can also call TIA at: 0565-33-5931, to learn more about the group.

We are recruiting volunteers to engage foreigners in conversation using Japanese. Please visit us for the experience if you’re interested in volunteering!

*Please be aware that we have temporarily ceased our program in order to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. We will inform you when the situation changes. Thank you for your understanding.